Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tancredo ad scares immigration to the center of presidential debate

In an advertisement aired this week, Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo said there is a bigger consequence of unsecured borders than "20 million who've come to take our jobs": terrorism.

While the scare tactic is nothing new, the ad seems to have reinvigorated the case for increased border security amidst more popular arguments related to jobs and the economy.

The ad features images of destruction that appear to be the results of terrorist attacks. The ad has been pulled from YouTube because it was deemed inappropriate for some viewers.

In an interview with Wolf Blitzer, Tancredo countered accusations that the ad is an outrageous attempt to make gains in the polls; Blitzer said Tancredo's approval ratings hover around 1 percent. Tancredo said in the interview the ad was meant to force other candidates to address immigration as a national security issue in their campaigns.

Tancredo is a congressman from Des Moines, Iowa.

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